Amaaaaaaazing song!
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Amaaaaaaazing song!
Posted at 11:32 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
"When I grow older, I will be stronger".
- from "Wavin' Flag" by K'naan
Posted at 11:07 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Now the sound doesn't want to work on the family computer (yeah, mine's still on the fritz, and I have no idea if it can be fixed or not). Do I kill technology? Is it my presence that makes everything break? Because I seriously feel like these kind of things happen to me more than they do to others.
And here's the thing...The sound worked like an hour ago. Strange, isn't it? It makes me sort of mad, to be honest, as all technology-related problems does (I get that after my father).
Oh *sigh*. I suppose all I can do is cross my fingers and hope that it'll sort itself out (I think this problem might have occurred before see)...hopefully really soon (because we all know what I think about silence, I don't like it one bit...which is why I talk to myself).
Well...I guess there's nothing to do about it now, so I will have to deal with it (haha, don't I have big problems these days?)
Ki o tsukete mina-san! (^ _ ^) Matane!
PS. Yesterday evening I found this story that I started on...around Christmas I think...and I was actually impressed with my own writing (that sounds smug, sorry, but it's true nonetheless). It made my evening.
Posted at 03:27 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Yesterday was a tired day, to say the very least. Not even caffeine helped. Hehe.
But it was all worth it, I can assure you that. Midsummer's Eve, which was spent by a cabin in the woods with close friend and not so close but nice people was loads of fun. I can't remember going to bed on the evening in question (a little too much wine perhaps), but that doesn't really matter to me. Not when it's that little (I only lost like...half an hour or something, if it was more I probably wouldn't feel that comfortable with it), and when I felt okay (except tired) the day after.
We had a lot of laughs that evening, that I do remember, and quite a lot of them the next morning too. I did nothing I shouldn't have, which is always good (or is it? hehe) no regrets what so ever.
Aaaaand, that's about it I think. I was suppose to write this post yesterday, but as I said there wasn't really a whole lot of energy going around then, which is why I'm writing it now instead. Hehe. That was it.
Ki o tsukete mina-san! (^ _ ^) Matane!
Posted at 10:12 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
The day went by without anything interesting (or noteworthy) happening. It's 11.06 p.m and I'm sitting in front of the computer in a dark room, listening to music and trying to get sleepy...because people are getting up early in the morning and I don't want to keep them awake with my typing (yes, that's how loud the keyboard on this computer is).
It's Midsummer's Eve tomorrow (and since I don't have the energy to explain what it's about, I gave you a Wikipedia link, hehe). I'm spending it with old friends and acquaintances, and some people I've never met before, and I think it'll be fun...
I'll tell you more about it on Saturday, or Sunday...or something like that. To be honest I think it can end up so that there's a lot to tell, or nothing what so ever. Haha, you never know when there's alcohol in the picture. Anyways, I'm crossing my fingers for good weather.
Oyasuminasai mina-san. (^ _ ^) Matane!
Posted at 11:13 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Weather...Grey and about 15 degrees Celsius (I think that's about 60-64 F.)
Mood...Well not the best to be honest. I'm slightly bored and fighting with my sister, and since I got upset and cried for the first time in like a year my head hurts, but it's nothing that won't pass ^ ^
Music..."To be free" - Arashi (their music always make me happy)
Plans...None so far. Brush my teeth, shave my legs, and that's about it.
Outfit...A (over-sized) t-shirt with the words "Never look back" on it.
...And I think that was all I had to say for now. I will (perhaps) get back to you on how the day turned out (hopefully better than it started, even if the power-walk I took this morning was rather nice). Now I'll write a little on my other blog and then perhaps play some "Zoo Tycoon" (it's a funny game, you try it).
Ki o tsukete mina-san! (^ _ ^) Matane!
Posted at 10:17 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Konbanwa mina-san.
It's 10.48 p.m here in Sweden and I'm going to go to bed...soon, but not to soon. As always (almost at least), I am spending the final part of the day in front of the computer. I am listening to "Blue" with Arashi (which I really love, it's one of their best songs) and pondering something.
...I'm feeling like re-watching something. A drama (japanese or korean that is), that I have already seen and therefore know that I love, just to have something fun to do during the "night-time" computer time (and, of course, because I love watching dramas).
But which one will it be...?
Hana Kimi?
Hana Yori Dango?
Boys Before (Over) Flowers? (Korean HYD)?
Nobuta wa Produce?
...Or another one?
Gah! It's so difficult to decide. Of course I love Gokusen the most (especially the first season, because - surprise surprise - Jun is in it), but I've also seen it more time than probably all the rest combined. I know that's it's not exactly a life changing decition, but still I can't make it. Haha, I'm so messed up (or odd, or whatever you'd like to call it).
And now it's after 11, which wouldn't be late at all if it wasn't that I'm getting up to go for a power-walk before breakfast tomorrow. So I guess I'll make this decision in the morning. Or something.
Oyasuminasai mina-san! (^ _ ^) Matane!
Posted at 11:05 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)
I've been on a power-walk, Stina's been out running (I'm not quite fit enough to run...yet), we've had breakfast and now we're getting ready for the day. It's warm (about 20 degrees I would say) and sunny here in Sweden today so I'm going to try to be outside for a bit, work on my tan (hehe).
...Did I tell you that I have tons of freckles, now that my face has gotten to see the sun a little? I do, and to be honest I quite like it.
Hihi. It's a glorious morning, for some reason, and I hope it'll be an equally glorious day. Oh, and I also hope that you guys are having a good one (day, that is) as well.
And now I'm gonna scoot, because me and Stina are going to go to return some movies that we rented yesterday ("All about Steve", "The last templar" and "Sherlock Holmes", have you seen any of them?). So I guess I'll talk to you guys later, or something.
Ki o tsukete mina-san! (^ _ ^) Matane!
Posted at 10:48 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
What's the best summer you've ever had?
I don't know.
But don't ask me why I answered this question when I don't really have an answer, because I do have something to say.
The reason for me not knowing is that I don't think you can compare time like that. Seasons (or in this case, one particular season in different years) can be equally great for different reasons. One might be filled with monumental things, like the one when I prepared to move from home, another completely "empty" but still just wonderfully entertaining, like the summers you have when you're little...
...Who's to say which one is the best? I couldn't, at least. So I suppose my answer would have to be this: All my summers have been great. In their own way.
(Oh and for the record, I can't say which day is the best in my life either.)
Posted at 11:06 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Yep. The vacation that I've apparently imagined myself being on since I came back to Trollhättan ends tomorrow. Power-walks every morning, to begin with, and if I can manage it (I did last summer, so why not now?) some more "hardcore" (like running or something) exercise at least a few time a week.
That's how it's going to be. I'm going to look like this in a bikini when I'm done:
Well...perhaps not this good (I'm not even sure if that would be physically possible for me to achieve), but a girl can dream right?
Oyasuminasai mina-san. (^ _ ^) Matane!
Posted at 10:45 PM | Permalink | Comments (4)